Making your own Models

Hello War Gamers,

In an effort to make it easier for new folks to dive right in, I'm making a post to provide guidance on how to create your own models for Brassbound: Adamantine Dawn

  • For now, try to match up your models with a unit already defined in the rules. These are the units that have been tested, balanced, and will get you playing the fastest. 
  • The game is set in approximately 1935. For inspiration, look at Interwar Tanks, Weapons, and Diving Dress. 
  • The established scale for the game is 1:144. This means your average human is about 15mm tall, or if using Lego bricks, about four plates tall. If you have any Statue Figures, they will work very well. 
  • Unit-specific guidance
    • Rifle Squads should sit on a baseplate that is 32 mm wide x 16 mm deep, or 4 x 2 Lego Studs, and should include four models. It is important that to the greatest extent possible, your models fit entirely on their baseplate so that they can be positioned inside of Structures. 
    • Machine Gun Teams should sit on a baseplate that is 16mm wide by 24 mm deep, or 2x3 Lego studs, and should include two models.
    • Mortar Teams should sit on a baseplate that is 24mm deep by 16mm wide, or 3x2 Lego studs, and should include two models.
    • Anti-Armor Teams should be approximately 32m wide, 24mm tall, and 24mm deep, or 4x3x4 Lego Studs , and should include two models.
    • Tanks and Self-Propelled Guns should be approximately 48mm long x 24 mm wide x 32mm tall , or 6 x 3 x 4 Lego Studs. Turrets are entirely optional. 
    • Trucks should be approximately 48mm long x 16 mm wide x 24mmtall , or 6 x 2 x 3 Lego Studs.
    • Mechs should be approximately 48mm tall x 48 mm wide x 32mm deep, or 6 x 6 x4 Lego Studs. 
  • Flying units are not yet supported.

Happy War Gaming! 



Brassbound Adamantine Dawn Rules and Models.pdf 13 MB
19 days ago

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